Wednesday, October 12, 2011


1.  AdSense is the easiest way to make money on the Internet.
This is a lie - some marketers will tell you anything to get you to click their ads. Don't fall for it!

AdSense is the toughest way to make money on the Internet. Unfortunately, putting up a blog on and letting Google ads run on it will not make you any money. Thousands of people have tried Blogger and was shocked to find out that their blogs receive almost no traffic (visitors), no money, and little or no interest. Wanna know why? Keep reading, then come back and watch this video - don't forget, OK!

What is true about Google AdSense is that it is a proven way to make money on the Internet, however you need skills in website building, search engine optimization techniques, and a thorough knowledge of  pay per click (PPC) advertising before you can make money from these methods. All these require time to learn, and may take between 2 - 3 years before significant money amounts are made.

2.  AdSense requires almost no work. This is another big lie that take advantage of people desire to "get rich quickly" without doing any work. Anyone who has a productive AdSense business will tell you that building websites, generating original content, and driving traffic is time-consuming and requires considerable planning and writing skills. Forget, the prepackaged AdSense websites, they don't work and will only get you banned from the AdSense program. Quality content is one effective way for building your AdSense business. You will attact hundreds of visitors to your website everyday if you meet a present need or help them solve their problems.

People who talk about how much money they are making with Google AdSense and how they are getting rich without doing hardly any work is lying through their molars. The majority of the productive AdSense marketers spend 2 - 4 hours every daily promoting, updating and building their websites.
3.  AdSense is free.
If you believe this lie, try making money with Google AdSense without and Internet connection. If you are online, you need an Internet service provider. Even free sites requires that you have and ISP to access their service. When calculating your profits, don't forget to deduct the cost of your ISP. Ok, I admit - REGISTERING with Google AdSense is free, so is breathing air. You still gotta maintain your body to enjoy this precious gift and that my friend will cost ya!
Your time in writing and developing web pages is not free.  You are trading your time, thoughts and energy for cash. "Free" is a marketing term to capture your attention and lure you into clicking on ads. Don't be deceived, free is not free!
Please keep in mind that no one will expose ALL of their marketing secrets. Competition is a vital part of the American economy and is what keep our products and services unique and different from others.
Have FUN and LEARN how to make money with Google AdSense - CLICK HERE NOW.

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